November 28 - 2 Peter 2:1-22 - You Are a Slave to Whatever Controls You

Do you know about the debate over "a carrot on a stick" versus "a carrot or a stick?" I had only been exposed to the image of a carrot dangling from a stick in front of an animal to lure it forward. Apparently, this image has been challenged, said to come from a mishearing of the latter phrase which proposes reward incentive or punishment incentive. The carrot is the reward and the stick (presumably for whipping) is the punishment. If this debate arose in English, I could even see where the "r" in "or" might be written in such a way as to be mis-read as an "n." The first phrase may have been born out of a sloppy rendering of the second.

Whichever phrase you believe is the 'correct' one, they both paint a pretty good picture of control. Some people are motivated by fear (the stick). Whenever fear pops up, that person turns in another direction, and so, fear becomes the thing that steers them. Some people are motivated by satisfaction. Whenever something shows up that they imagine will satisfy a desire, they pursue it. Again, the steering is done by the 'satisfier.' The scare or the lure takes control. Our text today says, "You are a slave to whatever controls you." Many are slaves to fear; others enslaved by their desires.

Peter observed that many of the false teachers of his day were slaves to greed and lust. These false teachers found that they could manipulate those who sat under their teaching. They were able to warp and deliver their lessons in such a way as to gain money or sex from their students. A good read is Richard J. Foster's book The Challenge of the Disciplined Life, which deals specifically with the lure of money, sex and power. These are good measuring rods to use when assessing a pastor-teacher-evangelist. What appears to be their approach to the use of power, their emphasis on wealth, their moral character? If there is a hint of manipulation, greed or licentiousness in their teachings, steer clear.

And what about us? What controls us? Is their something in our life that steers us with it's influence, either positive or negative? What, if dangled in front of us, will almost surely seize our attention and powerfully draw us in its direction, away from every other direction? Whatever or whoever can control us like that is our Master. We are slave to it. 

Notice that Peter begins his letter by calling himself the "servant" of Jesus Christ. His friend, Paul, starts his epistles in similar fashion, calling himself a "bond-servant" or a "slave" of the Lord Jesus. Their 'carrot' is the Christ. The controlling factor in their lives is the Holy Spirit of God. The great and precious promises and the divine mandates drive them forward. 

There is great reward for those who remain faithful; faithful to receive, obey and impart the true teaching of the Word. Shunning fear and greed and lust, let us all press on toward the prize of the upward call of Christ Jesus. He is the true teacher. He is the Truth.

Pray: Teach me, O Lord, all the great promises of your Word and direct me with Your commands. Sustain me as a student and follower, a disciple, by your Holy Spirit. May my only fear be reverent awe of You. May my greed and lust be transformed into an insatiable desire to know You and to do Your will. You are my priceless reward.

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