Matthew 22:1-33 - Power Lines

Many of you are all too familiar with the concept of heavy snow and ice bringing down power lines. The nation has suffered severe storms this winter. Thousands have had to endure the consequences of crippled electrical supplies to their homes. There was plenty of current being generated; it just couldn't get through. The lines were down.

After explaining to the crowds another charactersistic of the Kingdom of God, staving off a challenge by the Pharisees and correcting the theology of the Sadduccees, Jesus states, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God." The Scriptures are the Word of God and the power is the Spirit of God. Together, the Word and the Spirit are the dynamo that generates the current of truth by which we can conduct our lives. We can understand the nature of the Kingdom of God when we are connected by the Spirit to the Word. We can become wise and discern with subtlety; we can know, trust, and practice sound theology when the line to the source remains up.

Stay plugged into the Word. Lean on the Spirit of God to empower the Word and your understanding. "Lean not on your OWN understanding ..." as the ancient Proverb teaches. Whether it's the mission of God in relationship to human history, or the relationship of faith to human government, or the practical implications of doctrine - all this and more becomes clear through Spirit and Word.

When the storms came up and the power lines came down, people suffered a loss of comfort, a loss of food, a loss of communication, a loss of light. Similar losses on a spiritual level are experienced when the conduit is cut between our souls and God's truth. Don't let the blizzard of busyness or the whiteout of doubt or the weight of life's challenges keep you from being connected to the empowering Word.

Pray: Lord, it is so easy to let the stuff of earth cut me off from the treasures of heaven. Help me to prioritize my time with You, in prayer, study and meditation. How can I expect to stay charged up when I keep pulling the plug?

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