August 20 --- 1 Corinthians 12:27 - 13:13 --- The Greatest


Love is the greatest.

Love is greater than eloquence; it speaks life to the soul.

Love is greater than giftedness; it is the end for their means.

Love is greater than knowledge; it gives purpose to its power.

Love is greater than sacrifice; it authenticates surrender.

Love is greater than faith; it inspires trust.

Love is greater than hope; it anchors expectation.

Which will accomplish more; which will make things better …

Love or impatience?
Love or cruelty?
Love or envy?
Love or arrogance?
Love or rudeness?
Love or selfishness?
Love or rage?
Love or wickedness?
Love or giving up?

Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.

Love is the greatest.

Now ...


Pray: Thank you, God, for loving the world so much that you gave us your one and only Son. Thank you, Jesus, for loving us unto death. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for producing the fruit of love in us. Now help us live out the love that made us, the love that saved us, the love that sets us free.


  1. Now take ALL that and apply it to the church. In my opinion, when we hear these words or read this passage our minds automatically go to marriage but the context of this passage is a fussing, fighting, arrogant new New Testament church w/many diverse peoples.

    IF we went into each Business Meeting, Church Council Meeting, Deacon's Meeting, etc. etc. etc.
    with 1 Corinthians 13 in our minds and hearts knowing that it was written for such a time as this, do you think something would happen?

    just wondering...

  2. Absolutely right - this is First, a doing church passage, not a marriage vow passage. If your IF became a When, that would be the next great awakening and revival! How can we do our part to make that happen?

  3. Lovely post, Pastor L...

    Gail, I wonder the same things.
