Is she really that thin, or not?
Does he have a tattoo, or not? Is that car really parked atop the Eiffel Tower? These days it's hard to know exactly what's real with the special effects afforded by computer software like Photoshop. Things can appear to be one way when they are really another.
In today's passage of Scripture, Jesus speaks to the phonies, zooms in on the pixels and reveals the retouching, and offers His warnings. There are severe consequences for false prophets, false disciples and false foundations.
False prophets are wolves that have been 'shopped to look like sheep. They come with a smile and a caring demeanor, speaking words that seem to come from the very mouth of God. But, give them time, says the Lord. After awhile, the disguise will wear off and the true nature will come through. A true prophet will serve the sheep. Period. The false prophet will serve the sheep ... with roasted red potatoes and a mint demi-glace! The consuming greed of the false prophet eventually shows up. Switching metaphors, Jesus says, this bad tree might fool us for a while in spring and summer, but come time for the fruit to appear -- well, this bad tree is going to produce bad fruit. The falsehood will be revealed. And the warning? Bad trees get chopped down and burned up! Let's check our motives. And carefully discern among those we would place in leadership.
False disciples think they are close to God because of their religious performance. "We did all the 'spiritual' things! We used all the Biblical words! We got results! We're in!" But as they swagger toward the pearly gates, Jesus asks, "Where do you think you're going?" After a clamorous and lengthy recitation of their resumes, Jesus responds with power and brevity -- "I never knew you." "Be gone!"
Knowing Him. That is the result of true discipleship. Drawing near, spending time, laboring with, talking long into the night. Knowing Him. How well do you know Him?
False foundations get tested. A house can appear beautiful and well-built, but what is it resting on? All the exotic fixtures and imported materials can't make up for a foundation of sand. Soon the trials will come. The wind. The rain. The flood. Undermined and unstable, the house twists and splinters and collapses. Any foundation other than the Word of God may have the appearance of stability, but it will not stand up to the tests. Build your life, establish your family, on the Word. This is wisdom, says Jesus. And He is clear - it's not just the knowing, it's the putting into practice. Life's hardships will test you. Will you stand? Or will you fall? That wind will blow right by your Photoshop facade.
Pray: Lord, your name is Truth; help me not to be false. Help me to use your Word to exalt your Name and bless my fellow man, not to line my pockets. Help me to prioritize my time with You and the closeness of our relationship. You are looking not for religiosity, but for intimacy. Help me to make persistent practice of your Word the foundation of my life.
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