Matthew 26:47-68 - Then All the Disciples Deserted Him

Today's passage is so full of sad and dramatic moments - the kiss of betrayal, the impulsive violence, the 'kangaroo' court, the mocking humiliation. But to me, the real jolt of sorrow comes at the end of verse 56.

"Then all the disciples deserted Him and fled."

Do you see where that statement is lodged in the text? Right after Jesus declares, not once but twice, that what is happening is according to and in fulfillment of Scripture. "What the prophets told us about is now coming to pass. Revelation is becoming reality right in front of you." And in the face of those affirmations of Divine orchestration -- the disciples desert the Lord. Christ brings a Word out of heaven and His followers run like hell.


Isn't the unfolding of the plan of God something to stick around for? Wouldn't they want to be there as prophecy comes to fruition? Ah, but it's not happening the way they expected. What they understood about prophecy is proving to be somewhat off center. Where is the power and the justice and the triumph? Where is Messiah finally flexing the arm of God? Why does this look, smell and taste like we're losing? Why are we being admonished not to fight back? Our momentum isn't gathering, it's unraveling! I'm, I'm out of here.

It's easy to follow Jesus when what He says turns out the way we anticipate. When He says 'love God,' and we anticpate that that will look like singing sweet praise songs in a low-lit sanctuary, and it does and we do. It's easy to follow Jesus then. But when 'love God' means obey His command to you to quit your job and sell your house and move cross-country; that's when we rather lace up our running shoes. Like the soldier who enlisted to get an education and job training, and goes AWOL when the combat deployment orders show up - even though it's plainly part of the commitment, it's not really what he signed up for.

What sort of Jesus-followers are we? Fair weather followers? Low-risk followers? Comfort and convenience followers? Will I run when it gets confusing or hard or scary? And what will I forfeit?

The most expensive seats at performances of the "Blue Man Group" are right up front. Those are also the seats that will guarantee that you get paint (and any other stuff the Group is using) all over you. You won't just be 'at it,' you'll be 'in it.' When it comes to following Jesus, we need to be in it. We need to shell out for the front row. We need to know that if we stick close, we will see the unfolding of the Eternal story. We will be covered in the stuff of eternity. We must not forfeit that.

Pray: Faithful God, courageous and unshakable, make me into a true disciple. One who stays close even when the chaos comes. When my mind can't comprehend and my body wants to bolt and my emotions are rattled, let my trust in You remain. I want to sit in the midst of Your miracles.

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