September 14 - Galatians 1:1-24 - Vocation, Vocation, Vocation

How many residences have you lived in? I’ve lived in fourteen different places in four different states. Do you ever look back and reflect on the reasons behind the residences. What were the conditions and circumstances that led to the moves you or your family made? I imagine a lot of people move to move up. Each change of address marks one step closer to living in their most coveted climate, neighborhood or architecture. They’re pursuing their real estate dream.

For others, the goal isn’t the location. It’s the vocation. Some of us have pulled up stakes, packed up the car like a can of sardines, and headed up the road to pursue, not a view, but a voice. The voice drew a picture, but not of a place  -  it revealed a plan. 

Some folks are sent to a new location like an airman to a new duty station (my son-in-law packed up his daughter, and my daughter with another granddaughter on the way, and took them to Anchorage, Alaska.) Duty and his commander called. It’s like that with God. Duty and our Commander calls. The Voice reveals more of His plan for our service.  And we go.

And sometimes the move doesn’t seem like a move up; not on the surface. Sandie and I had a three-bedroom ranch on a cul-de-sac with a deck and a yard for two kids and two cars. Then we heard the Voice. We saw a new piece of the plan. The house and most of the furnishings were sold, and the one car was unintentionally destroyed (my bad), and after 8 days and 3,000 miles of 100 degree temperatures, we arrived at our new location; new vocation. Seminary housing. Two bedrooms. Tight. No cul-de-sac. No deck. We moved, but did we move up? Yes. Because obedience to the Voice, adherence to His plan, is always a move up.

There is much content, and much could be said about today’s Scripture reading, but I will focus on this – middle of verses 15 and 16 – “…God, who set me apart from birth and called me by His grace, was pleased to reveal His Son in me so that I might …” Paul speaks of himself this way, but I believe the Word speaks of us all this way. Let’s take a moment to stop moving and meditate on the Voice of God.

“I set you apart from birth.”

“I called you by My grace.”

“It pleases Me to reveal My Son in you.”

“I did all this so that you might …”    Might ... what?

What is your current vocation? Paul knew that God had done all this for him so that he might preach Christ among the Gentiles. God has done all this for you so that you might perform some special service for His Name. What has He set you apart to do? What has He graciously called you to do? What has He revealed His Son in you to do? Don’t worry about your location. What is your vocation? Pursue it! Pack up! Head Out!

Move up.

Pray: I’m ready, Lord. I’m ready to listen. I’m ready to move. Wherever you lead, I’ll go. I’m following your Voice. I’m realizing my calling. I’m embracing Your reason for my being. For according to your Word, this is the abundant life and the fullness of joy.


  1. Wow, this post prompted me to count the number of homes I have lived in. Before Mark and I were married, 20. Add 13 more since we've been married, for a grand total of 33! That is 33 separate locations in which I have had a bed to call my own...I guess the Lord has just not wanted me to get too comfortable. I can dig that! lol

  2. Love that He has called us, again and again, to move together and toward Him!

  3. Susie! Did you ever fully unpack the suitcase? Ever?

  4. Darling, the Voice and the Plan had us together from forever to forever!
