September 9 - 2 Corinthians 11:1-15 - Super-Apostles of a Pseudo-Jesus

Two years ago, Deepak Chopra, the god-consciousness, self-actualization guru wrote a book titled, “The Third Jesus.” Chopra explains that the first Jesus is the ancient historical Jesus; the second is the religious institutional Jesus; and the Third Jesus is the all-inclusive, spiritual master Jesus. He contends that the first Jesus cannot be accurately identified for lack of hard evidence. He asserts that the second Jesus cannot be identified as accurate for Christianity’s self-serving warp of his image. Chopra’s Jesus is separated from history and the church, and can only be found in the enlightenment of higher consciousness. That might be an interesting path to follow, except that there are not ONLY two Jesus’ prior to Chopra’s third. There is the historic Christ, the world-changer, anticipated and foreshadowed in the well-attested historical document of the Old Testament, witnessed to and embodied in Christ's first community as recorded in the well-attested New Testament writings.

Chopra, for all his wealth and media-star status, is a super-apostle of a pseudo-Jesus. And he stands in a long line, a nineteen centuries-long line, of SAO-PJs. Paul wrote about them to the Corinthians, coining the phrase. Paul's problem was that many in his Christian family were putting up with, even embracing the false prophets and their alternative Jesus. Paul says these spiritual “headliners” are trained in their communication skills, charge for their services and wish to be considered equals of the true Apostles. It appears their charisma and confident rhetoric could divert even a sincere devotion to Christ.

Paul asks, “Do you think less of me because I don’t have a degree in communications?” “Am I not taken seriously because I didn’t sell tickets to my preaching?” “But my communication was with the power of the Holy Spirit, not rhetoric.” “My concern was not to be a financial burden to you.” “And Corinthians, have any of these pretenders loved you like I have loved you?”

Dear Christian leader, partner in ministry, Paul’s recipe is the antidote
to the “super-apostles. The gospel of a crucified and risen Savior, accompanied by an active concern for your audience, and delivered with love under the guiding power of the Spirit, will win the day. Don't fashion yourself a 'superstar.' Just know the truth, and know why it’s true, and know how to explain that to others. Be jealous for the souls you shepherd. Don’t let them start ‘dating around’ when they have already vowed their fidelity to Christ. The 'super-apostles,' those dashing suitors, will woo them to the masquerade ball. Help strip off the masks to reveal the deceiver.

Pray: Spirit of the Living Word, there are so many “apostles” and “prophets” these days who say they know the way to truth and life. But you have revealed to us the One who IS the Way, the Truth and the Life; not the Third Jesus, but the One and Only Jesus. The Jesus of Old Testament prophecy. The Jesus of the New Testament church. The Jesus of Paul’s preaching. May He always be the Jesus of my church and my preaching.

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