October 31 - Hebrews 2:1-18 - We Must Pay More Careful Attention

As leaders, we are constantly concerned with effective communication. And today we are blessed with so many means of getting information to our audience; print, digital text, audio, video, and good old word of mouth. But do you wonder if anybody is really paying attention. As a pastor, I have had people come to me about an event and tell me they missed it because they hadn’t heard about it. And yet, I know it was published and broadcast in a number of ways in a timely manner. I am a teacher also, and it astonishes me sometimes how frequently the same question has to be asked and answered before folks actually hear it. I guess it’s part of the fallen nature of man, to be careless about paying attention.

The second chapter of Hebrews starts with that exact phrase – “We must pay more careful attention.” With so few communication media in that day, it would have been especially critical to pay attention. The author warns that if care is not taken in hearing and comprehending and incorporating the message, then the person is apt to drift away from the message. Of course, the message referred to is the gospel; the truth about Jesus and the salvation He announced.

Last chapter, the deity of Christ was the aspect of the gospel emphasized. If we are not careful to pay attention to what the Scriptures say about Jesus, we may be tempted to accept some “other Jesus.” Earlier in this series of blogs, we gave the example of Deepak Chopra’s ‘Third Jesus.’ Theological drift is a reality, and that is why we must be in the Word daily; that’s why this blog exists. It keeps me and anyone who wishes to follow accountable to ‘paying attention.’ You’ve had that experience, where someone speaks out with boldness and you know that they don’t know what they’re talking about. Assertiveness is no substitute for accuracy. So, let’s pay more careful attention to the Word, so we can speak with precision regarding Jesus and His salvation.

What does the author emphasize here in the second chapter of Hebrews? He portrays Jesus as the perfect union of deity and humanity! Jesus is Lord (a word reserved for God), He announces His salvation for us and testifies to its veracity through signs, wonders, miracles and Spiritual gifts. And yet, we know that Jesus also stepped down out of heaven, became lower than the angels and by the grace of God, suffered for our sake. From miracle-worker to murdered man. He put on flesh and blood like ours to put to death the power of death over us! He shared in our humanity that we might share in His eternal glory. And also that He would be tempted as a human so all of us can know - our Savior understands our struggles. He saves us in this moment, as well as in the final moment. We have an incarnate Redeemer who HAS saved us from the penalty of sin, IS saving us from the power of sin, and WILL save us from any presence of sin.

Did you catch all that? Are you paying attention? Be careful. You don’t want to drift away from these truths. Because they’re not mine. They are the Lord’s.

Pray: Suffering Servant, Redeemer and Lord, I have received the salvation that You announced, procured and secured by your amazing union of deity and humanity. You are the God-Man, uniquely qualified to stand in the gap between the Holy and the unholy, and reconcile them. Thank you for your amazing grace. Keep me wrapped in your Spirit and Word, so that I will ever be paying attention to your will and ways.

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